Forefront of good practice

Hear the latest research, gain take-away tools to adopt the newest practices and nurture collaborations with the particle therapy international community.

Best Location

Manchester’s scientific heritage includes the discovery of the proton and status as the first European City of Science in the UK.

Latest Trends

Be part of the latest research, technological and clinical innovations in particle therapy through educational sessions and scientific programme.

Career Opportunities

Extend your network and benefit from face to face meetings with colleagues involved in particle therapy treatment centres worldwide.

Greatest Speakers

PTCOG58 Conference will be attended by speakers who are influencers and experts in the field. Hear the discussion firsthand.

NHS Oncology

Learn from the dialogue on clinical oncology across the NHS and celebrate the first high-energy proton beam therapy centres in the UK.


Manchester offers a vast range of modern and affordable accommodation. See our recommendations and book your stay.

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